Tuesday, June 1
Support Intern, Korean American Family Service Center, Hodori Program
Grant Recipient: Deborah N. Cho, Class of 2012
Major: Psychology
Organization: Korean American Family Service Center, Hodori Program
Location: Flushing, NY
This summer, I am interning at the Korean American Family Service Center, particularly working for the Hodori Program. It is an after-school and summer camp program for children and its primary objective is to develop and improve the ability of school-age children in expressing their emotions in appropriate and constructive ways. Various creative, therapeutic, and educational activities are offered to the children, where they are provided a comfortable environment to deal with psychological, emotional, and social issues. I have specifically been working behind-the-scenes with the staff, helping to formulate next year’s curriculum for the program along with its policies and overall vision. It has been such a great learning experience to see first-hand the internal mechanisms of a non-profit organization, striving to support and empower individuals and families to lead safe and healthy lives through counseling, education, and advocacy programs.